June 28, 2012

Choose Your Weapon (Against Pain)

Patients’ Right to Choose Treatment and Provider Will Cut Costs, Improve Quality of Care. Following the Supreme Court’s decision today upholding the constitutionality of the Patient […]
June 12, 2012

A Spinal Cord Runs Through It

Remember that  movie? It was good, in case you did not see it. OK, it was about a river. But this is about your spine, and […]
May 26, 2012

Tratamientos Quiropractico en Español!

En la Clinica de Blue Heron Quiropractico y “Una Vuelta En el Balance”, tenemos empleados y terapistas que hablan español para ayudarle. Si usted tiene lesion […]
February 6, 2012

Be Square on the Elliptical

Keep your pelvis and shoulders square on the elliptical trainer – don’t alternate front to back. Keep your proud front forward. If your shoulders are alternating, […]
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