October 15, 2010Osteoporosis Screening For Post-Menopausal WomenApproximately 40% of women over 50 will suffer a bone or spine fracture related to osteoporosis. Despite increased awareness of the magnitude and consequences of osteoporosis […]
October 5, 2010Shock Absorbing FootwearI have been being asked to comment on which shoes for shock absorption. Before I do that, remember that “flip flops” remain “totally out of there” […]
August 31, 2010We sponsor SAIL FOR THE CURE Sunday, Sept 26!This is the 5th year we are supporting “Sail for the Cure” on Sunday, September 26. This is the on-the-water version of the running race, where […]
August 6, 2010My Back Snaps/Clunks/Pops When I…Patients ask me about their backs popping… all the time. This can require a complicated answer. The first step would be to understand why a back […]
July 27, 2010Climbing the Mountain – Backwards?A patient asked me about someone they saw doing an elliptical trainer at the gym – backwards. Not facing backwards mind you; I am speaking of […]
July 13, 2010Keep your chin tucked on EllipticalsMany of my patients are spending a lot of time on elliptical trainers and such, and I wanted to point out that a very common posture […]