Insurance Coverage and Auto Accidents – What you Need to Know Now
March 25, 2016
Core Strength and Car Accidents?
August 23, 2016Off Topic. Or is it? Spencer’s Appliance decreases pain.
This week, our commercial washer failed. No, it wasn’t a Motor Vehicle Accident or a bulged disc. Wouldn’t drain. Full of water. Had to bail it. Had to move it. Buckets of water. You could see how this could add up to back pain. As a matter of fact, there was pain involved. Trucking the laundry to another washer, wet bags, etc – a problem. The good news is we had bought this washer (used, actually, the old school good kind of Whirlpool) from Spencer’s Appliances in NE Portland. They came out and fixed this thing this morning. Amazing. The service call ended up being inexpensive, the really great guy showed us a shortcut, and we were fixed.
So why blog about it? Because anything that decreases pain is worthy of a mention. There are other blog entries here, about Motor Vehicle Accident Injuries, Disks, Pain, headaches, degenerative change, opioids, even Marijuana and yes, also Lead Testing. Scroll down for a few of them. Come back for more. But in the meantime, these guys at Spencer’s service what they sell. Spencer’s Appliances decreases pain. Check them out here: http://spencersappliancesonline.com/