Snow and Ice
December 10, 2016
Can A Headache Kill You?
December 25, 2016Snow and Ice Again. Drive Carefully! We don’t want you having a Motor Vehicle Accident on the way in here, but we are keeping the light on for you! Here we are one week later and now another storm; this looks like a couple more inches that may be with us for a while. Not really used to this in December, are we, Portland? We have a snow plan here at Blue Heron Chiropractic… starting with us doing some intermediate shoveling before we go home at the end of our day… so we will be in better shape for tomorrow and Friday. We are open until 6; give a call before you come over. Be careful in this stuff; people tend to underestimate it!
The white stuff that falls from the sky gets underestimated in a City like Portland, where we don’t even have snowplows. Cars slide down hills and crash into eachother. Everything grinds to a halt and we wait it out; it inevitably rains, everything then tends to freeze and then we are iced in for four days. A lot of our patients get their injuries on snow and ice during that period of slipping around.
Hey, guess what – the Sailboat Racing team we sponsor is supposed to sail on Sunday. Will it happen? In the same way that we are not “fair weather sailors”, we are not only a “fair weather clinic”. We hang on through stormy weather and try to be here so you can get your treatments on schedule. Consistency is what makes for recovery and eventually keep you optimized. Don’t assume that just because a flake falls, that chiropractic is not here for you. But do call in so we can be ready for you. Request an appointment here if you don’t already have one!
I will post more as this develops, check back if you are of a mind.