
Chiropractic treatment styles, strategies, techniques, diagnostics, doctor-patient issues, rehabilitation, tests, exams, natural medicines

We offer a full range of service treatment at our Chiropractic Clinic. Located at 1934 NE Broadway, Portland, OR, our location features a NE Portland chiropractor, Massage Therapists, and other services. To learn more call us at (503) 280-9759.

In addition to our chiropractic services, the center offers a full range of services including massage & acupuncture . Furthermore, The Center also hosts individual, couples & family psychotherapy.

Chiropractic Physician & Director of the Center:

Dr. Dana William Sibilla, DC DABCO FACO (503) 280-9759 More Info….click here.:


Brynna Sibilla, MSW, LCSW (503) 280-1101 More Info….click here.

Dedicated/Supervised Licensed Massage Therapists and Chiropractic Assistants*:


Independent Licensed Massage Therapists*

To schedule a massage therapy session at Blue Heron, please call (503) 280-9759 and speak with the front desk. First of all, we will match you up with a massage therapist or have you consult with Dr. Sibilla, who will be happy to make a referral. Furthermore, some insurance plans require referral by the doctor or require you to see a dedicated LMT. Because Dr. Sibilla is a licensed doctor he is able to make that referral himself. Certainly, if you are interested in further information, see “Benefits”. Above all, your well being is our priority.

Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine:

Please Contact us to learn more.

October 21, 2010

Impact of Body Weight on Joint Failure

Other complications from increased body weight and obesity include inflammation chronic pain and depression, all of which can complicate lifestyles and make for difficult treatment plans and questionable recoveries.
October 5, 2010

Shock Absorbing Footwear

I have been being asked to comment on which shoes for shock absorption. Before I do that, remember that  “flip flops” remain “totally out of there” […]
August 6, 2010

My Back Snaps/Clunks/Pops When I…

Patients ask me about their backs popping… all the time. This can require a complicated answer. The first step would be to understand why a back […]
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