July 2, 2011

Is Life “Uncrustable”?

So this morning I read a nice excerpt from the book "Make the Bread, Buy the Butter", by Jennifer Reese, about the value of making basic foods rather than buying shortcuts to basic items.
May 28, 2011


Greek Yogurt, nonfat, specifically - is amazing if you want a snack or a meal that controls calories, decreases fats and boosts protein.
December 25, 2010

Burning Clean Fat (Part Deux)

In case anybody is reading this, I just wanted to mention that today marked the 29th day of my Eating/Cleansing Plan, and I have beat my […]
October 21, 2010

Impact of Body Weight on Joint Failure

Other complications from increased body weight and obesity include inflammation chronic pain and depression, all of which can complicate lifestyles and make for difficult treatment plans and questionable recoveries.
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