March 29, 2014

Marijuana Dependent?

At the risk of being rapidly less popular, I am going to blog about Marijuana. I hope you acknowledge my bravery.  This is a “hot topics” […]
January 7, 2013

Rheumatoid Arthritis of the Spine

There are apparently some controversial opinions about Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and whether it can effect the spine. Whenever something does not reliably do the same thing […]
September 8, 2012

Are You Cheating?

The body craves stability. It will find a way of creating stability, even if that means using a non-functional movement pattern, or even a dysfunctional pattern.  […]
July 19, 2012

Are you sitting on it right now?

Stand up! Research is really clear that “sitting is the new smoking”.   In one study, adults who spent more than four hours a day sitting in […]
April 9, 2011

Night Owls Awaken

A recent and very solid study shows that of 100 persons who feel they can function with less than 6 hours of sleep, only 5 actually can.
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